Quest:Farmer Hove's Tools

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Farmer Hove's Tools
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Cendrew
Starts at Scurloc Farm
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [43.3S, 33.5W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Greetings. I am Cendrew Hove. I heard Edrud talking to you about our farm. If you are going that way, I would also beg a boon of you. I hurt my back during the raid on our farm, so I'm not able to help out here as much as I'd usually have done. If I'm going to be stuck off my feet, I can still be useful, but not without my woodworking tools.

'Please - if you do go to our farm, will you look for my tools? I left them near the house.'


Driven from his land and wounded by rampaging goblins, Cendrew Hove seeks a way to give back to his hosts.

Objective 1

  • Search for the woodworking tools

Cendrew Hove has asked you retrieve his woodworking tools from his farm.

The Hove family farm is in Cardolan.

The toolbox is empty! Goblins must have stolen the tools

Objective 2

  • Recover stolen tools (0/6)

You found the farmer's toolbox, but it was empty. You suspect that the goblins who have infiltrated the farm carried off the tools. You should defeat goblins at the Hove farm and recover the stolen tools.

The Hove farm is located in north-central Cardolan.

Recovered stolen tools (6/6)

Objective 3

You should bring the woodworking tools back to Cendrew Hove.

Cendrew is at the Scurloc farm in north-eastern Cardolan.

Cendrew: 'My tools! You found them! Now I can start to pitch in around here. Thank you, friend, thank you! For everything you have done!'